Pınar Ersoy

Robotics in Xamarin

Have you ever thought your C# written code can control an electronical device or even a robot? Could it truly be possible to activate a robot without diving into the comlex structure of .NET Microframework (MF)? The answer is yes, it is possible with the help of Monkey.Robotics powered by Xamarin. Monkey.Robotics What is actually Monkey.Robotics? It helps to reduce the effort spent in building complicated tasks in .NET Microframework (MF) powered robots and easily communicates with them from within Xamarin apps. Here is the depicted architecture design of the process: As it can be observed in the picture, Xamarin serves as a bridge between the microcontrollers and the application processes. With the help of Monkey.Robotics, developers have an opportunity to use C#…
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What is Xamarin

Xamarin is a San Francisco, California based software company created in May 2011 by the engineers that created Mono, Mono Touch and Mono for Android which are cross platform implementations of the Common Language Implementations (CLI) and Common Language Specifications (often called Microsoft .NET) With a C# shared codebase, developers can use Xamarin to write native iOS, Android, and Windows apps with native user interfaces and share code across multiple platform. Xamarin has over 950,000 developers in more than 170 countries around the world. Xamarin, the popular service for building cross-platform native applications, today announced that it has raised a total of $82 million led by a combination of new and existing investors. As far as we are aware,…
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Big Data auf kleinen Chips

Die Datenflut ihrer Experimente droht Forschern über den Kopf zu wachsen. Nun hat das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) zusammen mit dem Big-Data-Spezialisten Blue Yonder einen Chip entwickelt, der schon einmal aussortieren soll. Bei den Experimenten an aktuellen Teilchenbeschleunigern, zum Beispiel am CERN in Genf, suchen Wissenschaftler nach kleinsten Strukturen in der Materie. Während eines Experiments nehmen Sensoren riesige Mengen an Informationen auf. Damit diese überhaupt zu bewältigen sind, nutzen die Forscher Algorithmen, die entscheiden, bei welchen Messungen die Wahrscheinlichkeit hoch genug ist, dass ein interessantes Teilchen vorhanden ist. Nur diese Messungen der Detektoren werden dann weiter analysiert, andere nicht. "Bei den aktuellen Experimenten werden zuerst alle Daten ausgelesen und anschließend in…
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